
作者:David Eldredge, 威廉Schoonmaker和Kiron Vegas



In the journey to higher levels of fuel efficiency 和 lower greenhouse gas emissions, 控制每吨马力(HPT)是必不可少的

Here’s why: Horsepower dem和s vary based on train make-up, 地形, 和 other operating conditions. 当铁路建造火车时, they need to make sure that they have enough locomotive power to get over the steepest grade (ruling grade) on the route. 通常会发生什么, 然而, is that the ruling grade is just one small segment of an entire trip. So, 在努力满足最危急条件下的需要, there is excess horsepower expended during the balance of the trip. And that excess horsepower results in higher fuel consumption 和 associated emissions.



The ratio of locomotive power to the weight of the train is horsepower per ton. 具体地说, it is calculated by summing the horsepower of all locomotives in the train 和 dividing by the weight (in tons) of the train.

The resulting HPT ratio is important because it is a metric that is used to inform how much power is needed for a given train. 这取决于它能运载多少货物, 例如, 一列火车可能有75节车厢,另一列火车可能有100节车厢. So, 使用一对, 或每吨马力, as a metric helps to normalize the power utilized for all trains on that route. In doing so, it reduces the number of locomotives used during any segment of the trip.




  • Let’s say we have the perfect train: two locomotives with 4,000 HP each 和 8,000 trailing tons. 对于这个例子,我的铁路规则是运行在0.5成. 所以,这就意味着要手动隔离一辆机车. Now, let’s make this more like the real world: one more car shows up. 现在我的火车重8100吨. 因为操作规则是0.5成, 和 the only switch you have is to either turn on or off a locomotive, that train goes from 0.49 HPT = 1.0 HPT. So, you end up having to operate two locomotives for the entire trip.

Compounding this is the difficult task of manually controlling HPT. It is hard for humans to figure out how much power they need versus how much they don’t need at each segment of the trip. 从考虑列车长度, 速度限制, 地形, 还有天气状况, 这个过程需要大量的体力和脑力劳动. 除了, tactics like limiting the notch or shutting off certain locomotives, 要求机组人员遵守并记住要这样做. And all of this is against the backdrop of a constantly changing environment. 其结果是:火车超载,效率低下.

So, how do railroads solve these challenges 和 reap the benefits of optimized horsepower per ton?  答案是通过智能HPT实现自动化.


聪明的一对 optimizes train performance for a given horsepower per ton target.

The foundation of 聪明的一对 is built on Trip Optimizer cruise control. Because Trip Optimizer has data on the train make-up 和 weights 和 underst和s the 地形 和 topology of the track, 聪明的一对 can determine exactly what horsepower is needed at every point along the route. 结果: railroads save fuel 和 reduce emissions without impacting velocity – automatically.



  1. 聪明的计划: Avoids excessive horsepower by limiting train HPT through modification of the Trip Optimizer plan to match the railroad’s requested HPT limit for the train 和 the route. This powerful capability automates limiting the HPT based on the location of the train. 它可以防止火车动力过大.
  2. 汽车怠速: Identifies excessive horsepower 和 automatically idles trailing units without adjusting train speed. This feature recognizes that locomotive engines are more efficient when run at higher RPMs, 所以最好有一个火车头, 比如缺口5, 比在2号槽口有三个火车头要好. Any time that auto idle sees that the Trip Optimizer plan speed can be maintained with just one locomotive’s power, it then idles down the trailing units 和 runs with just the lead unit online.
  3. 网络控制: Automatically isolates locomotives in the lead consist using intra-consist control. Isolated units will then follow their railroad-specific rules for shutting down. This feature lets the lead unit comm和 the trailing unit to isolate, 不需要有人回去亲自拨动开关. That is a further savings of fuel because then the locomotive that is isolated is managed by Auto Engine Start Stop (AESS). So, it can shut down completely 和 saves fuel by not running at all.

除了, 聪明的一对 can determine if a locomotive is not operating to the plan speeds 和 self-adjusts accordingly, 恢复供电以避免熄火并维持计划.


聪明的一对 takes the guesswork 和 mental planning out of controlling horsepower per ton – without slowing the train down. 结果:

  • 节油减排:5-10% (5% EPA认证)
  • 改进列车操作



戴夫· - 全球最大网赌正规平台公司

戴夫· 您是全球最大网赌正规平台行程优化器的产品线负责人吗. He is responsible for the development 和 commercialization of industry-leading energy management solutions. Dave在数字电子领域拥有超过17年的经验.

Bill Schoonmaker - 全球最大网赌正规平台公司

威廉Schoonmaker全球最大网赌正规平台的产品经理吗. William has over 25 years of experience developing 和 implementing products for the control of freight trains including over 10 years working on Trip Optimizer.


目睹了Viegas全球最大网赌正规平台的产品经理. Kiron has spent over 25 years in engineering 和 product management roles in the technology industry 和 is passionate about solving sustainability 和 automation challenges in freight rail operations.


